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Do you want to help grow a group that feeds off of positivity and support the gaming community? Well, now you can! Donations are never required. If you would like to help support the community by keeping this site running and keeping the staff employed along with other things for the community, you can do so in two ways.

Donation via Spartansfan95 Stream:

Donations will be shown on Spartans stream on twitch and will get a shoutout on stream! If Spartan is offline, the notification will still send an alert to his computer and will thank you next stream or whenever he sees you.

If you want to be part of a leaderboard, you can donate bits. For every bit you donate, that is equivalent to a penny. For example, 100 bits is $1 towards the community!

Donation Directly to Spartansfan95 PayPal

If you choose to donate this way, this will instantaneously notify Spartan through multiple formats, also you can choose to leave a message along with the donation if you feel inclined.

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