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Discord is the number 1 form of communication for all of SimNation's gaming needs. 
Join our Discord server - SimNation Discord

Rules For The Discord:

-Be Nice, Treat others the way you want to be treated.

-This discord is PG-13, which means keep the language to a bare minimum, I get it that a word slips out of the mouth without noticing but still PLEASE watch what you are saying.

-Do NOT talk about anything that will bring criticism to the chat! No and ,if,buts,ors. This will result in a permanent ban from Twitch and Discord. (No Racism, sexism, homophobic remarks, violence, or POLITICS)

-This Channel is meant to have fun! Anyone is welcome here! If you do something that my mods do not like, they will give you a warning or a ban. So do not be that one guy!

-If there is something that needs to be dealt with, please let an admin or a moderator know right away so the issue can be dealt with ASAP.

-Self-promote in the #promote-your-stream text chat only.

-Do not ask to be a mod, Spartansfan95 will determine when I need one.

-No Trolling - While fun and games are allowed there is a line and be careful not to cross it.

-Respect those streaming - If you are coming into a voice chat make sure to find out if someone is streaming and if so abide by their rules.

-No Excessive Background Noise in Voice Chat -- This is due to streamers being on air where the background noise will affect their stream.

-Please do not spam the greetings chat by leaving and rejoining doing this repetitively will be treated as spamming chat and can result in being removed from the server permanently.


-Finally, Mods and the Founder have the final say. These rules are subject to change based on situations or events

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